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Mission Statement

The mission of the Upper Arlington Basketball Club is to teach and develop young basketball players within the city of Upper Arlington, Ohio by providing the opportunity to learn the fundamental skills of basketball, while instilling life-lessons and values of character, team work, disciple, leadership, respect and sportsmanship.

Program Goals
  • Prepare young players for the Upper Arlington High School Boys Basketball  Program.
  • Provide each player with opportunities to learn, develop and improve their individual and team basketball skills.
  • Provide each player with an atmosphere that encourages mental, social and emotional maturity.
  • Field competitive, balanced teams at the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade level.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who is eligible to try out and participate in UABC?

Players must be:

  • Residents of the city of Upper Arlington, Ohio. Kids who are UA residents, but do not attend UA City Schools, will be evaluated on a case by case basis
  • Players must currently be in grades 3-6. Grade level play is priority. Exceptions to be considered on case by case basis.

When are tryouts?

Tryouts are typically held on 2 dates, for 1 ½ hours per grade in September. Tryouts are announced in the UA City Schools Flyer Connection and on our website.

How are teams selected?

  • Players are evaluated each year during the tryout process. Participation on a team the previous year, does not ensure selection for the upcoming season.
  • Teams assembled by UABC Board Members

If my son is selected to a team, what should I expect?

  • Each team practices, 2-3 per week, beginning in late October, early November. Practices are held in Upper Arlington, or nearby surrounding area.
  • Beginning mid-November, teams will begin competition. Typically, teams play 2 games per week (1 away game in Central Ohio on Saturdays, and1 home game in Upper Arlington on Sundays).
  • Teams typically play games through mid-February.
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