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COVID-19 Guidance

Good morning UABC families,
I hope you are all doing well. The purpose of this email is to inform you of our intent to return to play home and away games beginning Friday, December 18, 2020.

1. Teams are permitted to play home and away games beginning 12/18.
2. Parents, coaches, and players must follow all COVID protocols at all times.
3. Masks are required by spectators and coaches any time they are indoors for a game.
4. Masks are required for players prior to stepping on the floor and while on the bench. Masks are not required while playing. Players are allowed to wear masks while playing if they so choose.
5. Spectators should socially distance (6 feet) between families.
6. Players and coaches must use hand sanitizer before and after games.
7. There will be 2 adults per player allowed for home games. This will be monitored at the entrance to each school building. Opposing teams will have 2 adults per player as well. Away games might have a different spectator allowance based on the gym size/space.
8. If there is a mask/social distancing violation, the person will be warned. The second offense will be a technical foul assessed to the bench. The third offense will result in ejection.
9. Most importantly, if you or your son is sick, Please Stay Home.

If you would like for your son to opt out of games, please let your head coach know and please copy me on that notification. We are in full support of your family’s decision if you choose to pause activities at any time.

Thank you for your support as we return to game play. We all have to follow these protocols in order to continue to play.

In a few days, we will send out another email to you with all game day protocols. Our head coaches will send this email to all of our opponents.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if you need further clarification. Thanks for all of your support!

Go Bears!

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